Thursday, July 17, 2014

Real men/ Barbati adevarati

Hello my dear friends!
This morning I saw some wonderful pictures that made me smile and made me think that there's still a hope...just kidding :-P. These images are my definition of " Real Men". 
I hope you'll enjoy them and have a happy week-end!

Buna dragelor!
In aceasta dimineata am vazut niste imagini care m-au facut sa zambesc si sa gandesc ca...mai exista o speranta...glumesc :)). Aceste imagini exprima definitia mea pentru expresia "barbati adevarati".
Sper sa va incante la fel de mult cat m-au incantat pe mine si...week-end placut!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Music and unborn babies/Muzica si bebelusii nenascuti

Hello my friends!
Being a person who loves music, I read many online magazines in order to find out if an unborn baby can hear music and if the music affect the fetal development.
We know that from week 24 of pregnancy the unborn baby can hear  mother, father voice, even a police siren or a dog barking, so he should hear music- some doctors even recommend that mother should sing happy songs to her baby.

Buna prietene dragi,
Fiind o mare iubitoare de muzica, am citit multe reviste si carti pentru a afla daca bebeul nenascut poate sa auda muzica si daca ii afecteaza in vreun fel dezvoltarea.
Stim cu totii ca din saptamana 24 a sarcinii, bebeul poate sa auda vocea mamei, a tatalui, pana si sirena unei masini de politie sau latratul unui caine, asa ca ar trebui, in mod normal sa auda si muzica- unii doctori chiar recomanda ca mama sa cate bebelusului nenascut cantecele vesele.

Some studies indicate that fetuses can hear and react to sound by moving, but no one really know what those movements mean.
Unele studii indica faptul ca fetusul poata sa auda si chiar reactioneaza la sunete prin miscari ale membrelor, dar nimeni nu stie cu siguranta ce inseamna aceste miscari ( ii face placere sa asculte muzica respectiva sau nu)
Does playing music make babies smarter?
 This is another question without a certain answer. We heard that music helps kids to be good in Maths, but this theory refers to older children, not to fetuses.
On the other side, there are some scientists that say newborns can recognize music their parents played for them, when they were in the womb, but  Janet DiPietro, a developmental psychologist says that these conclusions aren't based on a true research.

Ii face muzica mai destepti pe bebelusi?
Aceasta este o alta intrebare cu raspuns nesigur. Am auzit de nenumarate ori ca muzica ii ajuta pe copiii sa-si dezvolte intelectul, sa aiba rezultate bune la discipline precum matematica, dar aceasta teorie se refera doar la copiii mai mari si nu la fetus.
Pe de alta parte exista unii oameni de stiinta care afirma ca nou-nascutii pot recunoaste muzica pe care au ascultat-o cat timp se aflau in burtica mamei, dar psiholoaga Janet Dipietro combate aceasta ipoteza sustinand ca nu se bazeaza pe o cercetare reala.

In the end, I want to ask you if you played music for your little one?
I must confess that I start to play Mozart for babies for 2 moths and I hope he will remember it after he will be born.

Have a great week!

In sfarsit, vreau sa stiu daca voi ati alcatuit un playlist special pentru bebeul nenascut?
Trebuie sa va marturisesc faptul ca am inceput sa-i pun bebeului meu  Mozart pentru bebelusi si nadajduiesc ca isi va aminti acest playlist dupa ce se va naste.

Sa aveti o saptamana excelenta!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Say NO to abortion/ Spune NU avortului

Hello my dears!
Today I read a little story that impressed me so much, that I  want to share it with you. It's about abortion, about a woman who gets pregnant not in a good moment of her life. It's all about the right moment, because we think that we have to have a career first, a house, a car, to live our youth before we get pregnant.
But it's not like that. The baby come when he/ she is ready, when God, Buddha, Allah, The Providence wants to send us the most precious gift...a baby.
So, my friends, I hope this little story, clears our mind and makes us to revalue our life and priorities.

"A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'

She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!"

Take care!
Buna dragelor!
Am citit azi o povestioara care m-a impresionat foarte mult si pe care vreau sa v-o impartasesc. Subiectul povestioarei este avortul, de fapt este vorba despre o femeie care ramane insarcinata intr-un moment nepotrivit. Totul se invarte in jurul momentului in care ar fi bine sa ramanem insarcinate, pentru ca socotim ca mai intai trebuie sa avem o cariera, o casa, o masina, sa ne traim la maxim tineretea. Dar lucrurile nu stau chiar asa. Copilul apare cand e pregatit, cand Dumnezeu, Buddha, Allah, Providenta decid sa ne trimita cel mai pretios dar din lumea asta...copilul.
Sper ca aceasta povestioara sa ne limpezeasca mintea si sa ne determine sa ne reevaluam viata...prioritatile.
 "O femeie disperata s-a prezentat la cabinetul ginecologului si i-a spus:
- D-le doctor, am o problema serioasa si am nevoie disperata de ajutorul dumneavoastra! Copilul meu nu a implinit inca varsta de 1 an si eu sunt din nou insarcinata. E prea devreme!
Atunci doctorul a intrebat-o:
- In regula, si cum vrei sa te ajut?
- Vreau sa-mi intrerupeti sarcina!
Doctorul a stat cateva minute si a cugetat, dupa care i-a spus femeii:
- Cred ca am o alta solutie pentru dumneavoastra si nu e atat de periculoasa ca intreruperea sarcinii.
Femeia a zambit, gandind ca doctorul o va ajuta totusi.
Doctorul continua:
- Pentru a va scuti de grija pe care ar trebui s-o purtati ambilor copii, m-am gandit sa-l omoram pe cel din bratele dumneavoastra. In acest mod, v-ati mai odihni putin pana sa nasteti. Oricum, daca trebuie sa omoram unul din ei, nu conteaza care va fi omorat. In plus, aceasta varianta nu prezinta nici un pericol pentru trupul
Femeia a fost ingrozita la auzul acestor vorbe si a replicat:
- Nu domnule doctor! Ceea ce propuneti dumneavoastra este absolut oribil!  Este vorba de crima!
- Perfect de acord! Dar, pareai foarte impacata cu ideea de a curma viata unui copil , iar eu m-am gandit la care ar fi cea mai buna varianta pentru dumneavoastra.

Doctorul zambi, vazand ca s-a facut inteles de femeie, demonstrandu-i acesteia ca nu e nici o diferenta intre a omori un copil deja nascut si un copil care este inca in pantec. Este vorba de  fapte, la fel de grave!"

Aveti grija de voi!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Choosing the name/ Alegerea numelui

Hello dears!
Time is passing away very fast and we have to choose a name for our little baby.
Even if we have some ideas ( Nicholas, David, Luca or Stephan), I'm thinking over and over again if it's good for my baby.
I read in magazines that when you'll see the baby you'll know it, but I want to be prepare, to have backup names, in case the names I was thinking of  don't suits to my little bundle of joy.
So please feel free to give me some ideas of baby-boy's name.
Thank you very much!

Buna dragelor!
Timpul trece repede si trebuie sa alegem un nume pentru bebeul nostru.
Desi avem unele idei (Nicholas, David, Luca, Stefan) in ceea ce priveste numele micutului, ma gandesc daca sunt potrivite pentru baietelul meu.
Am citit in multe reviste ca , in momentul in care iti vezi bebelusul vei stii exact cum sa-l numesti, dar totusi vreau sa fiu pregatita cu nume de rezerva, in cazul in care numele de pe lista noastra nu se potriveste minunii noastre.
Prin urmare, va rog sa va simtiti libere sa-mi dati cateva sugestii de nume de baietei.
Multumesc mult!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

S.O.S.- Un vot pentru a sustine alaptarea in spitalele de stat

Buna prietene dragi!
Sper ca ati avut o saptamana excelenta, iar azi, ati reusit sa mai incetiniti putin ritmul, sa va relaxati, chiar sa va rasfatati.

Saptamana trecuta, am citit despre proiectul inscris de Raluca in campania lansata de Philips.
Proiectul Ralucai se refera la crearea unor camere pentru alaptare in spitalele de stat, dotate cu fotolii comode, perne pentru alaptare, materiale video si biblioteci pline de carti, care sa furnizeze toate informatiile necesare proaspetelor mamici. Mai multe detalii gasiti aici.
Cum o putem ajuta?
Sistemul de votare e foarte simplu. Dati click aici si apasati butonul voteaza.

Va multumesc!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Style and pregnancy

Hello my dears!
Even we put on weight and our sizes have changed, this doesn't mean we can't be fashionistas anymore. Pregnancy is a wonderful period, everyone agrees that a pregnant lady is glowing, so we should dare to wear fancy clothes, original outfits as Gwen or elegant gowns.
I found some photos that inspired me, so I want to share them with you, especially that we are in the middle of weddings season :). Which outfit is your favorite?
Take care of you!

Buna dragelor,
Chiar daca am pus cateva kilograme in plus, iar marimile pe care le purtam la haine s-au schimbat, asta nu inseamna ca nu mai putem tine pasul cu moda.
Perioada de graviditate este minunata si toata lumea o apreciaza ca fiind perioada in care viitoarea mamica are acea "stralucire", asa ca ar trebui sa indraznim sa purtam haine "la moda", tinute originale precum Gwen sau rochii de seara elegante.
Am gasit pe un site mai multe imagini care m-au inspirat si am vrut sa vi le prezint si voua, mai ales ca ne aflam in perioada nuntilor :) Care e tinuta voastra preferata?
Aveti grija de voi!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Amazing video! Un video minunat!

Hello my friends!
I don't know if the fact that I'm pregnant made me so emotional, or I've always been an emotional person. These days, I found a video who made me cry.
Of course it's a video about babies, about the first bathes and how comfy and used with water are new born babies.
The video has an article too, where we found out that a nurse Sonia Rochel, who works at Clinique de la Muette, teach us how to bath a new born baby, in order he/she to feel good in the transition period to the new environment. 
Enjoy the video and see you later!

Buna prietene!
Nu stiu daca faptul ca sunt insarcinata ma face sa fiu mai sensibila si emotionata, sau poate ca asa am fost mereu, dar n-am stiut, insa am gasit un clip care m-a sensibilizat intr-atat incat mi-au dat lacrimile.
E de la sine inteles, faptul ca acest clip este despre bebelusi, despre primele baite si despre cat de confortabili si obisnuiti cu apa sunt nou nascutii.
Clipul este insotit si de un articol, in care facem cunostinta cu Sonia Rochel, o asistenta care lucreaza la maternitatea Clinique de la Muette. Ea ne invata cum sa inbaiem un nou nascut pentru a-i usura mult trecerea si acomodarea la noul mediu.
Vizionare placuta si ...Pe curand!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

New rules! Reguli noi

My dear friends,
Finding out that I'm pregnant, I had to make some changes in my life.
Even if I had a healthy diet before to be pregnant, I had to pay more attention on what I eat, what I drink, what beauty products or perfumes I use in order to not harm my little bundle of joy.
So, regarding my perfumes and care skin, I've changed them with Yves Roche products, because I know that they use only natural extracts without parabens ( Parabens are widely used as preservatives by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and lately the doctors discovered that is a tide connection between parabens and cancer. Even so, they are still used, because they are cheap preservatives )

For the beginning I ordered from Yves Roche Purple Lilac eau de toillete, which has fantastic fresh floral notes and it last on the skin for a long time.My fragrance come in a purple 100 ml flacon.

I read that it was created by Annick Menardo perfumer of the house of Firmenich and was presented by Yves Roche in their spring collection of April 2012.
For being  their new client I've receive a bonus, another 100 flacon of Purple Lilac eau de toillete :) and I was so happy, because I really like it!

I also ordered a Apricot Fruity Scrub and I have to say that after I used it, my face looked so fresh and had a yammy smell. I even convince my hubby to try it, but that was it, because according to him..this is not a manly thing :-P.
Apricot Fruity Scrub is also paraben free, so I'm happy that even if I'm pregnant, I can use care and cosmetic products.

Posting this article I didn't intend to make publicity to Yves Roche, I've just wanted to share with you the fact that there still are products based on natural extracts. 
If you can recommend me other natural beauty product, please feel free to write me!
Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great Sunday!!
Dragile mele prietene,
Afland ca sunt insarcinata a trebuit sa fac unele schimbari in stilul meu de viata.
Desi am avut un regim alimentar sanatos inainte de a ramane insarcinata, am fost, totusi, nevoita sa  fiu mult mai atenta in ceea ce priveste alimentatia, produsele de infrumusetare, parfumurile pe care le folosesc pentru a nu pune in pericol bebe-ul.
Prin urmare, parfumurile si produsele de ingrijire a pielii folosite de obicei le-am schimbat cu cele de la Yves Roche, pentru simplu motiv ca acestea contin extracte naturale si din compozitia lor lipsesc parabenii ( parabenii sunt conservanti folositi in industria cosmeticelor, precum si in cea farmaceutica, iar de curand s-a descoperit faptul ca exista o stransa legatura intre acestia si cancer. Chiar si asa, parabenii sunt in continuare folositi, deoarece sunt conservanti ieftini mai multe informatii aici ).
Pentru inceput, am comandat de la Yves Roche, apa de toaleta Purple Lilac ( Lilas Mauve) 100 ml, care are note intense florale. Este un parfum fresh si rezista mult timp pe piele. Este creat de Annick Menardo si a fost prezentat in colectia de primavara din 2012 de cei de la Yves Roche.

Fiind client nou, am mai primit un flacon de apa de toaleta bonus :) si am fost foarte incantata, pentru ca imi chiar place.
De asemenea, am mai comandat un Gomaj cu extract din samburi de caisa- Apricot Fruity Scrub, iar dupa ce am folosit gomajul, fata mea arata foarte proaspata si avea un miros delicios de caisa, care l-a convins si pe sotul meu s-o incerce o data si atat, pentru ca gomajul nu e un lucru barbatesc :)).
Acest produs nu contine parabeni si ma bucur ca desi insarcinata fiind, reusesc sa gasesc produse cosmetice si parfumuri realizate din extracte naturale.
Postand acest articol, nu am intentionat sa fac reclama celor de la Yves Roche, am vrut doar sa va impartasesc faptul ca exista si produse fara parabeni, produse  bazate pe compusi naturali.
Daca poti sa-mi recomanzi alte produse cosmetice si de ingrijire, naturale, te rog s-o faci intr-un commet.
Va multumesc pentru vizita!

Sa aveti o duminica placuta!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome on my blog! Bine ati venit pe blogul meu!!!

[EN] Hello dear readers,
First of all, I want to thank you for visiting my new blog where I'll try to write about interesting things connected with the most magical period of my life- my pregnancy :).
I'm for the first time pregnant and even I'm 34 years old  plus I have type 1 Diabetes, my pregnancy was an easy one, thanks God! I expected to have mornings sickness or nervous breakdowns, but happily I didn't, so I was the lucky one who enjoyed a lot the almost 5 months of pregnancy :). But we have a long way to go through and I have to confess that sometimes all kinds of worries appears in my mind.
Meanwhile, I found out that I'll have a baby boy :)!! Yeiiii!!! I can't wait to see him, to hug him and to protect him.

At the beginning of my pregnancy, I read many books, article and even so...there are times when I'm not sure if it's ok what I do or what I eat. For example I dye my hair usually, but for the first 14 weeks, I didn't, because I was scare that it will affect my baby. I asked my doctor, and she said that is ok to dye the hair.
So I try to find answers to my questions, to your questions through this blog. Feel free to comment, ask question or give advices. We need all of this from ladies who talks from their experience.
Have a wonderful day!
[RO] Buna dragi cititoare,
Mai intai vreau sa va multumesc pentru ca im vizitati noul blog, unde incerc sa scriu lucruri interesante despre cea mai frumoasa perioada din viata unei femei ( din viata mea) - graviditatea.
Sunt insarcinata pentru prima data si chiar daca varsta este putin "inaintata", plus ca sufar si de diabet zaharat insulino-dependent, pot sa afirm ca pana acum, slava Domnului, am avut o sarcina usoara! Ma asteptam la greturi matinale, caderi nervoase, dar din fericire au lipsit cu desavarsire si astfel, m-am bucurat de 5 luni linistite de sarcina. Dar avem un drum lung de parcurs si uneori, in mintea mea se nasc fel si fel de griji, temeri.
Intre timp, am aflat ca voi avea un baietel. Nici nu va inchipuiti cat de mult astept sa-l vad, sa-l imbratisez.
De la inceputul sarcinii am citit numeroase carti, artcole despre sarcina, despre ce e permis si ce este interzis in timpul sarcinii, dar chiar si asa au existat momente in care nu eram sigura daca e bine ceea ce fac sau e sanatos ceea ce mananc.
De obicei, imi vopsesc parul, dar in primele 14 saptamani de sarcina nu am folosit vopsea, cu toate ca, doamna doctor mi-a spus ca nu afecteaza bebe-ul.
Prin intermediul acestui blog incerc sa gasesc raspunsuri la intrebarile mele, ale voastre...Va rog sa va simtiti libere sa comentati, sa puneti intrebari sau sa oferiti sfaturi bazate pe propria voastra experienta!

Sa aveti o zi buna!