[EN] Hello dear readers,
First of all, I want to thank you for visiting my new blog where I'll try to write about interesting things connected with the most magical period of my life- my pregnancy :).
I'm for the first time pregnant and even I'm 34 years old plus I have type 1 Diabetes, my pregnancy was an easy one, thanks God! I expected to have mornings sickness or nervous breakdowns, but happily I didn't, so I was the lucky one who enjoyed a lot the almost 5 months of pregnancy :). But we have a long way to go through and I have to confess that sometimes all kinds of worries appears in my mind.
Meanwhile, I found out that I'll have a baby boy :)!! Yeiiii!!! I can't wait to see him, to hug him and to protect him.
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http://ageofhopeministries.blogspot.ro/ |
At the beginning of my pregnancy, I read many books, article and even so...there are times when I'm not sure if it's ok what I do or what I eat. For example I dye my hair usually, but for the first 14 weeks, I didn't, because I was scare that it will affect my baby. I asked my doctor, and she said that is ok to dye the hair.
So I try to find answers to my questions, to your questions through this blog. Feel free to comment, ask question or give advices. We need all of this from ladies who talks from their experience.
Have a wonderful day!
[RO] Buna dragi cititoare,
Mai intai vreau sa va multumesc pentru ca im vizitati noul blog, unde incerc sa scriu lucruri interesante despre cea mai frumoasa perioada din viata unei femei ( din viata mea) - graviditatea.
Sunt insarcinata pentru prima data si chiar daca varsta este putin "inaintata", plus ca sufar si de diabet zaharat insulino-dependent, pot sa afirm ca pana acum, slava Domnului, am avut o sarcina usoara! Ma asteptam la greturi matinale, caderi nervoase, dar din fericire au lipsit cu desavarsire si astfel, m-am bucurat de 5 luni linistite de sarcina. Dar avem un drum lung de parcurs si uneori, in mintea mea se nasc fel si fel de griji, temeri.
Intre timp, am aflat ca voi avea un baietel. Nici nu va inchipuiti cat de mult astept sa-l vad, sa-l imbratisez.
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www.laurawall.com |
De la inceputul sarcinii am citit numeroase carti, artcole despre sarcina, despre ce e permis si ce este interzis in timpul sarcinii, dar chiar si asa au existat momente in care nu eram sigura daca e bine ceea ce fac sau e sanatos ceea ce mananc.
De obicei, imi vopsesc parul, dar in primele 14 saptamani de sarcina nu am folosit vopsea, cu toate ca, doamna doctor mi-a spus ca nu afecteaza bebe-ul.
Prin intermediul acestui blog incerc sa gasesc raspunsuri la intrebarile mele, ale voastre...Va rog sa va simtiti libere sa comentati, sa puneti intrebari sau sa oferiti sfaturi bazate pe propria voastra experienta!
Sa aveti o zi buna!